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Project Eureka

Eureka is all about Celebrating Ideas.

Earl Nightingale said "Everything begins with an idea". Ideas are indeed powerful and should be celebrated.

Project Eureka


Long ago, in a country far away, people were ruled by fierce men who drowned them in a lot of suffering and hardship. The tax masters ended every trace of social relationships among the people. Everyone was to mind their own individual businesses! Any group of people caught holding discussions or meetings in secret were executed in the open. The tyranny was so intense that people who's minds could no longer tolerate the torture ended their own lives. The fear of the cabal grew without limits in the minds of the people. This went on for decades!


The cabal grew confident that they had succeeded in enforcing their law of solitary living on the people, so they decided to relax their enforcement mechanism for a while. It was during this time that a small group of brave and intelligent men found a way to beat the intelligence apparatus of the cabal and were able to meet in secret. During these meetings, they rubbed minds on how they would stage a revolution and negotiate the freedom of their people. Validators were appointed. These were wise men who were wealthy of experience. The validators filtered ideas shared by members of the group until they were able to come up with a masterplan. Still, the thought of moving against the cabal terrified each of them to the core. But they kept faith and believed even if it meant some of them wouldn't survive. 

They prevailed! They became free of the tyrants who made their lives a living hell for so long! They migrated and found a new settlement which they named Arbishore. All social relationships were restored.

The people rebuilt their lives, sharing ideas among themselves all the time. They created their own medium of exchange and called it AHA - because their lives were now filled with excitement everyday! There were no limits to what they could achieve from then on...

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Join the Eureka Community today and together we will harness the power of web3 to build a platform where ideas are celebrated.

“For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate.” - Margaret Heffernan